Xavier Torres is Psychologyst in the Fibromyalgia Unit, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.
2007 Specialized in Clinical Psychology
1995 Master in Clinical Psychology, University of Barcelona
1993 Graduated in Psychology, University of Barcelona
2004-2014 Senior specialist; Units of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology.; Clinical Institution of Neuroscience; Hospital Clinic of Barcelona
2007-2014 Collaborating professor. Subject: Behavioral and Psychosomatic Medicine; Medical degree. University of Barcelona.
2007-2014 Collaborating professor. Subject:Psychiatry. Medical degree. University of Barcelona.
2008-2012 Mentor of the Center. Hospital Clinic of Barcelona; Practice for the graduation degree in Psychology. University of Barcelona.
2011-2012 Fibromyalgia syndrome and functional pain disorders. Post graduation course “University Expert in Investigation and Interdisciplinary treatment of Pain”. Campus of international excellence (EUSKAMPUS). University of Pais Vasco.
2009-2010 Evaluation and psychological treatment of pain. Institution :”Estudis de la Salut”.Generalitat de Catalunya. Training for residents in Psychology and Psychiatry.
1997-1998 Intervention in Affective disorders. Post graduation program “Strategy of evaluation and intervention techniques “in Psychology of Health. University of Girona.
Member of Scientific Committee “Fundació d’Afectats i Afectades de Fibromiàlgia i Fatiga Crònica”.
Ministry of Health; Social Policy and Equality. External review of the updated document of consensus for the evaluation and treatment of Fibromyalgia.
Sentinel Reader. Centre for Evidence-Based Practice and the Health Information Research Unit at McMaster University.
Scientific reviewer: Journal of Clinical Psychology, General Hospital Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Spanish Journal of Psychology, Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, Rheumatology International (Clinical and Experimental Investigations), Reumatología Clínica, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment,
External evaluator of the document “Updates for the diagnostic and treatment of the chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia”. Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut (AIAQS).