Since 2004, Dr. Nuria Masnou is the In-hospital Transplant Coordinator at Hospital Vall Hebron.
CV Summary
European Transplant Coordinator Certification (CETC).
Master in Law and Bioethics: Problems Health and Biotechnology, VI promotions, Bioethics and Law Observatory of the University of Barcelona.
Auditor on behalf the ONT (Spanish Transplant National Organization) for Quality Assurance Program.
Collaboration in international courses with TPM; with TAIEX ( European Agency for Training Courses on donations and transplantation for professionals and for Ministry’s for Emerging zones: Croatia , Slovenia, Albania…) and with Almaviva Consortium (Alignment Project in Turkey 2014)
Collaboration in European studies such as ACCORD, Living donor ; member of the ELPAT.
Collaboration in National working groups (leads by ONT): Benchmarking (Best practices Guide from ONT), Donation after cardio circulatory death (Recommendation for DCD in Spain); Donation in A&E (on going).
Chair for Transplantation Working group SEMICYUC (Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and coronary units) 2011- June 2013 , Deputy Coordinator of Ethics SEMICYUC GT (2013–up till now); member of the board of SCT (Catalan Transplantation Society 2010- up-till now) and member of board at SET (Spanish Society of Transplant).
Chairperson of the Deontological Committee of the College of Physicians of Girona (2012 up-till now).