Dr. Ferran Masanés Torán, is medical specialist in Internal Medicine (1993), Consultor-2 in the Geriatric Unit of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. Doctor of Medicine (Medical School of the Barcelona University; 1996). Master in Law and Bioethics (Bioethics and Law Observatory of the Barcelona University; 2012-2014). Master in Palliative Care (Barcelona University; 2010-2012). Master in Clinical Gerontology (Autonoma Barcelona University; 2001-2003). Master in Hospital Management (Barcelona University; 1999-2000). Associated Professor at Medical School of the Barcelona University since 2010. Tutor of Internal Medicine residents in Hospital Clínic of Barcelona since 2010. Member of the Ethics Committee of Hospital Clínic since 2001 and secretary since October of 2011. Member of Board Government of Clinic Institute of Medicine and Dermatology (ICMiD) since 2011. Member of the Deontological Committee of the College of Physicians of Barcelona since 2014. Member of the following societies (catalan and spanish): Internal Medicine, Geriatric and Gerontology and Bioethics (catalan).
His research fields are elderly, aging and muscle diseases (sarcopenia) with different papers and competitive grants. He is also very interested in ethical issues.