Pedro Castro Rebollo is Senior Specialist in the Medical Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Medicine at the School of Medicine of Barcelona (Barcelona University). Associated Professor at the School of Medicine of Barcelona (Barcelona University). Tutor of Internal Medicine Residents in Hospital Clínic since 2010 and secretary of teaching commission of ICMiD in Hospital Clínic since 2012. Master in AIDS (2003-2005, Barcelona University), Emergency and Critical Care (2005-2007, Barcelona University) and Research Methodology, Design and Statistics in Health Sciences (2007-2009, Autonoma Barcelona University). Member of Critical Care Patient Group (GTMC) of Hospital Clínic since 2005, Group of Quality of Contents in Clinical Reports since 2010 and Group for design of Informatization of Assistant Procedures since 2012. He is also member of the Ethical Committee of Hospital Clínic since October 2011. Member of the following Societies (National and Internationals): SEIMC (Infectious Diseases), SEMICYUC, ESICM and SCCM (Intensive Care). His research fields are infectious diseases in critical care patients, especially in immunosuppressed patients, and severe sepsis and septic shock, with several manuscripts, chapters and competitive grants. He is also very interested in ethical issues in critical care patients.